Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thoughts on my upcoming Tim Ferriss diet

This diet that I'm about to embark on is the one Tim Ferriss describes in his book "The 4 Hour Body" (meaning that he claims that you could have the perfect body by only 4 hours of maintanence work per week). I think 4 hours of workout per week is a lot, but maybe that's just me.

There are 5 "rules" in this diet.
  • No "white" carbs. Actually, he says that all foods that could be white should be avoided. So no rice, bread and pasta of ANY kind. This will be hard...
  • Same foods over and over again. This will be hard since I hate repetition. I want a new world every day.
  • No calories from beverages. Easy since I mostly drink only water and coffee. But curiously enough, you're allowed to have 2 glasses of red wine per day.
  • No fruit.
  • One cheat day per week where anything is allowed.
 So, what will I be allowed to eat. Meat and eggs are ok. Beans and lentils also. And vegetables and nuts. I've been browsing my cookbooks trying to find one that matches the criteria and I think that Armenian and Georgian food seem to work the best. Lots of stews with meat and beans thrown in together. Not cuisines that are widely known. This will be interesting.


  1. Good luck with this one! Some carbs are allowed, I hope. I've tried to exclude carbs once or twice where you are supposed to start up a process called... something, but I get completely stupid and cannot stand it at all!

    Since you've now opened the floodgates on diet blogging, I can write about my own new year resolve soon. Oops, baby crying

  2. Actyually, it is all carbs, except what is occurring naturally in beans, lentils and non-root veggies, and in that red wine...

    I've committed that I'll do a week at first, with Mats and if it seems to be working I'll do another week and so on. I know that if I'll plan doing it anytime longer I just won't. No need in kidding myself :)

  3. And also, it's no dairy except cottage cheese. That will be hard!
