Monday, October 4, 2010

Flu Fighter Sorbet

Here is a recipe I want to share that I worked out myself. Honey, ginger and lemons are all well known cold remedies, and I figured putting them into a sorbet just had to be the best thing for treating a sour throat.
  • 4 dl water
  • 1/2-1 dl honey (or more to taste)
  • 2 big knobs of ginger (the older the ginger the hotter the flavour)
  • 3 lemons (or more to taste)
Cut the ginger into pieces. You don't have to peel it.
Heat the water until boiling.
Throw in the ginger pieces. Remove the pot from the heat.
Add the honey, let it melt.
Chill the mixture to "refrigerator temperature".
Squeeze in all the juice from the lemons.
Taste! If you like it sweeter, add more honey. If you like it tarter, add more lemon. It's supposed to taste good ;)
Strain the mixture through a sieve to remove ginger and lemon pips.
Freeze the mixture in an ice cream maker.

Note 1: About the amount of honey, preference for sweetness is highly personal.  1/2 dl honey does not make a very sweet sorbet at all. I like it this way because I'm raised in Sweden on lättmjölk and lördagsgodis (low fat milk and eating sweets only once a week), but I think most people will like at least 1 dl of honey, if not more.

Note 2: If you're to lazy (or desperate) to wait for the mixture to first cool down, and then freeze, you can of course drink it warm as a herbal tea. Just pour the lemon juice in along with the honey.

Starting up the ice cream maker

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