Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Food and Life Experiment - Carbs and Ketosis

I'm intrigued by the results of the dieting I've been doing for the last few weeks. Eating nearly just fat and proteins made me feel much better, less tired and more energetic, but I couldn't keep up with it. After 2 and a half week hit headache, bad mood, severe fatigue, I basically just felt really lousy. I have no idea why that happened, there could have been several reasons, some suspects are:
  • Iron deficiency (lots of meat but no vitamin C to facilitate iron uptake). Unlikely when I ate so much meat, but I've had it before and it felt very much like it.
  • PMS, for some reason getting worse than normal
  • Being in ketosis for too long my brain suddenly needed some carbs to work properly. This makes sense because as soon as I had a big plate of pasta with lamb meatballs and an orange afterwards the headache went away.
So what I'm aiming for now is to stick to fats and proteins for breakfast and lunch to get that extra energy during day and then have some carbs with my dinner. I tend to get much more tired eating carbs so why not use them as a little something to help me fall asleep easier at night. Safest sleeping aid I've heard of!


  1. hej jag har också börjat äta kött, grönsaker,bönor och utan vita bröd, ris som jag älskar.jag måste säga att det är svårt, jag har inte alls gått ner utan tvätom. men tänker fortsätta ett tag till. iförsin har jag inte hållit reglerna på riktigt.

    jag tycker om ditt blogg!

  2. Hej! Vad kul att du har hittat hit! Jag tittade din blogg också, men föll på kinesiskan. Vad handlar den om?

    Vi lyckades gå ner några kilo var med vår diet, men det var lite fram och tillbaka. Ibland gick upp ett kilo över natten utan någon uppenbar orsak, och ibland var det samma sak ner, så det är nog bara att ge det lite tid.
